Grand “opening” today. We’ve had some people in and out training the last 10 days or so, but today was our first day that we were running a class schedule. We had at least 1 person show up to every class, that’s 6 classes, we are so psyched. 23!!! people in the door today, most had already signed up but a few new folks came in to sign up as well. We couldn’t be happier. Everyone worked their tails of today, and got a taste for one of the benchmark “girl” WODs. Wow that was a lot of pull-ups. I’m looking forward to a ton of solid training with you all, and am so happy to see our awesome community continue to grow. Thank you all so much for the support. I’ll see you tomorrow. Cheers.

The 5:45 PM crew busting ass. Kips are new to many, some made big progress on them today.
– Jade