*Firebreather Hoodie is back…this will be our last solo branded Champlain Valley CrossFit piece of apparel. Pre-order HERE


Session A:

1) Establish a Heavy Complex for The Day:

1 Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk +

1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk +

1 Clean + 1 Split Jerk

Drop and reset after each Jerk, no more than 5-10 seconds rest before hitting the next lift. Spend 15-20 minutes to establish a heavy complex.

2) Every 1:00 x 7 sets:

5 Power Cleans 185/135

5 Front Squats 185/135

5 Shoulder-to-Overhead 185/135

Scale as needed.

3) AQAP:

200-150-100 Double-unders

40-30-20 Wall Balls 30/20

Scale as needed.

4) Banded Safety Bar Good Morning: 5 sets of 10

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Focus on position and activation over loading.

Session B:

1) Row: 5 x 500m

Rest 40 seconds between sets. Same pace as past weeks.

2) Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 10 w/2 second Pause

Pause at the top of 2 seconds each rep. Work light and perform the movement more strict and less dynamic.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE