Feeling really tired this morning. Did some work at my Dad’s house clearing some trees, came home and went back to sleep for a couple hours. Not sure what the deal is, just feeling a little worked. I think my first full week of doing trail work probably took it out of me a bit. Good ole manual labor. Motivated myself though and got in a solid WOD with my roommate.


10, 9, 8….3, 2, 1 reps AQAP of:
Box Jump 24″
Power Clean 95lb
Push Press 95lb
Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95lb


Workout was solid, perfect weight. Heavy enough that it got a little tough to move around, but not so heavy that I had to rest for long periods of time. Box jumps need some work, need to keep doing them, my quads were definitely feeling it when I got around to the box jumps as they were being used in every other movement. Everything else felt good, and I’m happy with my performance despite my overall tiredness. Pushed hard, worked hard, and felt worked at the end. Either going to hit the weights or going riding tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade