Quite sore this morning. Hamstrings are really sore as are my traps and shoulders. Knees were hurting quite a bit last night and hurting a bit this morning. Back still feeling a bit off this morning, but I decided to do some training.


Muscle-up Progression: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Speed Deadlift: 185×5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Muscle-ups felt okay, but definitely a little weak. The dips felt a bit weak, but the pull felt strong. These were done from the knees, since I don’t have anywhere to hang my rings high enough to do a full muscle-up. Deadlifts were done for speed, trying to move the weight as quickly as possible. Felt good, but my back definitely didn’t feel that good. Probably take a rest day tomorrow, may go out for a mountain bike ride. Cheers.

– Jade