Sorry for the lack of posts everyone. I’ve been hurt, sick, and busy. My back is still not feeling right and I’ve had a sore throat, mucus build up for a few days. I had my college graduation this weekend which might be a slight contributor to that. Graduated Summa Cum Laude which I’m pumped about, 3.91 GPA. I haven’t taken this much time off from training in quite a while. Feels nice to rest, but on the other hand I feel like a lazy bumb.

On a much more positive note 13 people showed up on Friday to workout at Dorest Park. I couldn’t be more thrilled. We had a wide variety of people and abilities and I felt like everyone had a good time. We did a team WOD which looked fun, from my perspective, haha. Everyone worked well together and I would deem the day a success. We will be meeting again this coming Friday. Hope everyone is doing well, I’m hoping I feel well enough to get back to training tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade