Still feeling real sore today. Again my hip flexors and hamstrings are really sore. Going to work on stretching them out a bit. Was not feeling very well today, lacking energy big time. I got a workout in, although it was slow going. Just wasn’t motivated, and my body wasn’t feeling a workout. I did feel better afterward and getting a good sweat in. Pumped for a park workout tomorrow. Looks like quite a few people are coming.


5 rounds AQAP:
10 DB Walking Lunges 40lb
10 DB Push Press 40lb
10 DB Swings 40lb
10 Burpees
* Once the weights are picked up for the lunges they can’t be set down until the 1st is set down for the swing and the 2nd is set down for the burpee. If you set the weights down any other time it is a 5 burpee penalty at the end of the WOD.


Workout was pretty solid. I managed to get through it without penalizing myself at all. Could have gone a little heavier but I felt my next step, the 50lb dumbbells was a little too heavy. Push presses were tough, and my grip definitely got worked hard. Felt good to workout despite my lack of energy. Definitely moved through the workout a bit slow. Going to hit a rower workout tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade