Feeling pretty good today. Still a bit sore, especially my lats, but the rest of my body feels pretty good. Great eating all day today. Not much else to say. Hit up a CrossFit Football WOD today. Felt it was a good one given the situation with my knees. My knees are feeling a ton better, going to continue resting them for another week or so and then slowly starting working some squats back in. On another note when I was making dinner last night I randomly decided to see how my hanstand push-ups were coming. So pumped, got 4 in a row, head to ground and back to full lockout, no kip. Psyched.

CrossFit Football 4/16/2010 Amateur

Power Clean: 185×3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Use 60-70% of 3 rep power clean weight
Used 115lb
5 rounds – rest 2 minutes between rounds

3 Clean Pull
3 Power Clean
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerk
3 Goodmorning

Training was solid all around. Felt good and strong. Strenght power cleans felt great, and a couple sets felt really strong, 1st set felt the weakest by far. Definitely too light, should of hit 190 maybe 195. Complex was good, I think the weight was solid, again could have gone a little heavier. Solid training, going to hit it hard tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade.