Feeling good this morning. Traps and lower back are a little sore. Got another long night of sleep in, another solid 9 hours. Definitely felt a little groggy getting up, my body is definitely craving a high carb intake. Back on the clean eating 2 full days and clean so far today. I’ve decided to do Paleo plus dairy. The only dairy I really eat though is cheese, and even that is just cheddar cheese, so little to no lactose. I’m not going to make a habit of eating it, just eat when it arises in a meal. Since I’m doing 4 days of training in a row, or at least that’s the plan, I did light recovery work today. Hopefully doing a group WOD tomorrow with my Dad and some of his friends.


60 Yard Sled Walk Forward 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1
60 Yard Sled Walk Backwards 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1

2k Row Setting 10: 8:07

Kettlebell Swings: 35lbx15, 15, 15

Exercise felt good this morning and helped wake me up given how groggy I was feeling. The sled walks were done as a superset, so walk 60 yards forward, then turn around and walk backwards with the sled 60 yards. I hadn’t done any backwards walking with the sled, but wow, great, should really help with my quad strengthening. The two directions are really nice, forward you really feel your hams and glutes working, and backwards you really feel your quads working. Rowing was done at a nice easy pace. I typically row at setting 6, tried out 10 today to throw some more resistance on the fan. Pulled at a nice slow pace of 25 SPM. Kettlebell swings finished off the work for today, felt good, really worked on exploding with the hips, and they helped open up my shoudlers a bit. Looking forward to a solid group WOD tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade