What do you know, still feeling sore today. Calves and lats are feeling pretty good, but my shoulders and triceps are still quite sore. Beautiful day, got some good training in outside. Started working with the Bliss Team today, only one of the guys showed up. I’m pretty pumped to start helping out with the training for a cycling team that I was one of the original racers on. Solely strength work today.


Military Press: 115X5, 5, 5, 5, 5
One Legged 18″ Box Squat: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Overhead Squat: 75×10, 10, 10
Kettlebell Swing: 35×10, 10 10

Each of the above grouping’s were done as supersets. The only real strength work was the military press, the rest of the exercises were done at light weight to see how my knees responded, and the box squats were done to help strengthen my quads individually. Happy with the military press, good weight for me, and now that I have a true 45lb bar I know what I’m pushing around. Try and bust out a few sets at 120 next time. Overhead squats felt really good, one set felt just perfect. Knees felt fine throughout the workout, but a couple of hours later that was not the case definitely inflamed and in pain. Although they were hurting they are slowly getting better. Going to continue doing what I’ve been doing and hopefully they will heal. Cheers.

– Jade