Ah, incredibly sore this morning. My shoulders and triceps are absolutely destroyed. I can’t remember them ever being this sore. Completely torched. I guess the met-con yesterday was just the right amount of weight and intensity to really work my shoulders and tris. Really, they are beat, and I think they are going to be like that for a few days. Got a solid WOD in today. Went to the S. Burlington High School track, brought along some kettlebells and plyo boxes. Got a buddy of mine out for his first CF workout, and my neighbor Alex and a guy named Phillip he has been training with also came along. Nice to get a small group together to go out and train.


4 rounds AQAP:
1/4 Mile Run
20 One Arm Kettlebell Snatches (10 a Side) 35lb
20 Box Jumps 18″
20 Push-ups


Solid WOD. Went out of the gate pretty hard on the run, not so hard that I burnt myself out right at the start, but hard enough that I was really working at the end of the lap. Kettlebell snatches were a first time thing, but I think I got the hang of them pretty quickly. Weight was pretty easy and I didn’t have much trouble getting through them. Box jumps felt good, having never done them before it was good to use a slightly lower box. Really worked on getting full hip extension on every rep. Push-ups as usual were my weakness, did the first set unbroken, second and third weren’t to bad with 10-5-5, last one was awful at 8-2-2-3-3-2. Everyone did a great job with the WOD, and it was good to see a first timer out there. Probably going to get out on the mountain bike tomorrow. Cheers.

The guys post WOD, Phillip, Alex, Ryan
– Jade