1a) Warm-up – Passive:

2 minutes/side Couch Stretch

2 minutes/side Low Samson Stretch

Spend additional time stretching as needed.

1b) Warm-up – Active – 3 rounds of:

1 minute Machine/Jump Rope/High-Knees

5 Wall Therapy Squats

30 second Active Squat Hold

Warm-up pace, focus on positions and activation.

2a) Strength/Volume Work – Every 2:00 x 10 sets: 5 Front or Back Squats

You choose the movement pattern based on loading you have. Add Tempo or Pauses as desired based on loading you have as well as what area of the Squat you may want to personally work on.

2b) Strength/Volume Work – 5 sets of:

10 Alternating Zercher Deficit Reverse Lunge +

45 second Low Plank Hold +

10 Back Rack Split Squat w/Pause @ Bottom

Rest 2 minutes between sets. For the Split Squats perform 5 reps on 1 side, and then switch to the other. Perform with the same loading as the Zercher Squat. Perform this as a Superset performing each movement back-to-back with minimal transition time.

3) Gymnastics – Strict Knees-up/Toes-to bar Negatives: 5 sets of 5

Bring your knees/legs as high as possible, and lower under as much control as possible. If you don’t have something to hang on perform this lying on the floor holding onto a table or something that is heavy, bring your legs as high-up as possible and get as much of your back off the floor and then lower under as much control as possible.

4) Met-con – 6-9-12-15-12-9-6 – AQAP:

Deadlift 225/155

Burpee Lateral Bar Hop

Scale as needed.

5) Accessory – 3 sets of:

30 Foam Roller Hamstring Curls

1 minute Hip Thrust Hold w/Alternating Leg Lifts

Rest as needed. For quality, not for time. Holding the Hip Thrust position pick one leg up and hold it straight out, bring it back, and alternate to the other leg for the minute. If this is too difficult just perform the hold with both feet on the floor.

6) Secondary – Conditioning – 60 minute AMRAP:

4 minutes Machine or Run

30 Second Side Plank Hold

20 Glute Bridge Ups With 3 Second Pause @ Top

10 Lateral High Box/Couch/Step Ups With 3 Second Negatives

Scale as needed.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE





Sport Squats

Workout + Thoughts