Woke up 5 minutes before my alarm this morning and I felt awesome. Felt ready to go right when I woke up, just such a great feeling. Not sure why, maybe a clean day of eating yesterday was responsible. Worked out this morning before eating. Going to be looking at another space next week. Finally have all my documents in place to start getting money from private investors. Hopefully the process goes smoothly and as quick as possible.


Power Clean: 185×3, 190×3, 195×3

3 rounds AQAP:
400m Run
21 Push Press 75lbs
12 Ring Push-ups


Started off with the power cleans. First set was fine, 2nd set was not so good, and my 3rd rep I caught low and it cranked my wrist pretty good. Despite the weak pull on my 3rd rep I was confident in upping the weight another 5lbs for my last set. Last set was awesome, ripped all 3 reps cleanly, and really concentrated on my shrug and jump. Very happy with the set, a PR, and given how cleanly the set went I think I could hammer out 200×3. Met-con was solid. After doing a met-con that was heavy on the back Tuesday, I wanted to do something that was chest/shoulder heavy today. Used the “Helen” model and fit in exercises and weights that I felt would be appropriate for a similar time to “Helen.” Runs all felt good, first 2 sets of push presses were unbroken, 3rd set was 13-4-4, ring push-ups were all broken up. Ring push-ups really slowed me down, I think the last set took me like 40 seconds as I was doing them in sets of 2. Solid workout and my shoulders and triceps were absolutely destroyed. My arms were feeling so worked for a few hours after the workout. Overall solid day of training, knees are feeling a little better. Looking to get a solid session in tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade