Feeling good this morning. Eating has continued to be good. Feel great, had a cheat today, had some cheddar cheese in an omlette this evening for dinner. Traps are a bit sore today, chest and hamstrings still have a little bit of soreness in them. Didn’t get a chance to get to the gym so I couldn’t do my planned WOD. I was going to do “Cindy,” I’ll hit it tomorrow instead. Overall feel great, I’m visibly leaner after 4 days back on the diet, going to keep hammering it hard to get slimmed down and strong. In fact I’m as lean as I’ve ever been but a couple of pounds heavier than I was a couple of weeks ago so I think I may be packing some muscle on which would be great.


5 rounds AQAP:
400m Run
75lb Overhead Squat 15 reps


Didn’t get a chance to get to the school gym so I worked out outside at home. Was a little rough being 20 degrees and all. Decided to do Nancy as I’ve never done it and felt some running would be good for me. I scaled the overhead squats after my bad experience a few months ago doing 5 rounds of 15 reps at 95lbs. The running was definitely slow, partially due to how worked my lower back felt. My lower back was screamming throughout all of the running. Overhead squats were actually a little light, and I was pretty happy doing them all unbroken. Felt like I was getting good full depth, and shoulders felt good and strong throughout the movements. Knees also felt good. I wore my knee sleeves again which I think probably helped. I think I’m finding that when I squat I need to push my knees out a bit, they may be coming in a bit on the extension movement. Overall felt good with the workout, feel strong, and looking forward to hitting Cindy tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade