Feeling pretty crappy again this morning. I’ve got some serious food detox to undergo the next few days. Shoulders felt a little tired this morning, but other then that I felt good in regards to soreness. Worked out this morning on an empty stomach, hadn’t eaten in about 14 hours so that should help with flushing my body out. Pulled a WOD off the main-site from a couple weeks ago given I had limited options given the wonderful weather outside.


10 rounds AQAP
15 Deadlift 135lb
15 Push-ups


Looking at the comments on the main-site, and seeing peoples time I was thinking I wanted to be in the 12-14 minute range. I did hit that time range which I was happy about. I know my push-ups are weak so I knew that would be my limiting factor. Started off good and fast, had the first 2 rounds done in 1:35, but after that it went downhill. My chest/arms are weak, and the push-ups soon came to a crawl. I was able to pumped out every set of deadlifts unbroken no problems, but the push-ups after about the 4th round were going 5, 3, 3, 2, 2 and broke down a little farther on my 9th and 10th round. Guess that’s a sign. I can already tell that my chest is going to be sore as hell tomorrow. Solid workout though, I pushed hard, and I was in the time range I was shooting for. Rest day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade