Feeling much better this morning, still good and sore though. Lower back and hamstrings are still hurting a good bit, and my front delts are really sore from the ring-pushups yesterday. Taken in strict paleo so far today, feel great. Part of my Rogue order showed up yesterday, just the bar, and it gave me a bit of a shocker today with my lifting. It’s a 45lb bar, and definitely a little heavier than the bars I’ve been using, which I think are 40lbs. Not a huge a difference, but it means all my previous weights were lighter than they actually were. The bar is definitely sweet though, and my bumpers and sled should be here this evening. Got a good workout in today, all strength work, and did so with my neighbor Alex. Cool to have another person who is into CrossFit who is right in my neighborhood. Awesome dude, and looking forward to some more training sessions. He hit a PR on his deadlift, hitting 315 at a weight of 150 which is great.


Muscle-up Progression: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Deadlift: 315×5, 325×5, 335×5

Muscle-ups progressions were good, did them as usual from the floor as I don’t really have anywhere high enough to hang them from to do an actual muscle-up. Worked my chest/tris pretty good given they were a little tired from yesterday. Deadlifts felt good, especially considering how sore my hamstrings and lower back were from Wednesday’s training session. I know now though that I pulled a legit 335×5. Fresh could have pulled 345×5, so I think I’m closing back in on that 405 max, and definitely a double bodyweight for a few reps now that I’m down to 180lbs. Solid training, going to do another session tomorrow so I can play with my sled that is showing up shortly. Cheers.

– Jade