Still a little sore this morning from Monday in my chest and glutes. Ring dips hit me pretty good and the lunges as always hammered my glutes. Almost thought I wasn’t going to get a workout in today again, but I had a meeting cancelled so I was able to do something in my garage. Going through a foam rolling and stretching routine morning and night, hopefully this helps with my knee pain, really hoping the pain has been caused by tightness somewhere. I noticed my hips have gotten quite tight so maybe that’s the problem.


10 rounds for time
2 HSPU (2 45lb Iron Plate depth roughly 2″)
4 Strict Ring Pull-ups
16 Sit-ups


DB Stiff Leg Deadlift: 60×12, 12, 12

Solid training. Met-con wasn’t overly hard cardiovascularly but it worked my muscles pretty well. Abs were hurting really bad, and by the end the HSPU’s and pull-ups were getting quite tough. I was able to get through all the HSPU’s unbroken, but not the pull-ups. Getting closer and closer to those full depth HSPU’s. I feel like it is definitely going to be tough to get real high intensity workouts without implementing squatting movements. After a week I’ll probably introduce the rower or bike which will help a lot, maybe some deadlifts, but for now it is all upper body stuff. Going to be more strength training I think than met-con stuff. Stiff leg deadlifts felt good, going nice and deep, dumbbell just about to the floor. We’ll see what I can cook up for tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade