Well still good and sore this morning. My quads are still really hurting, lower back feels fine, and surprisingly my hamstrings aren’t too bad. They are a bit sore but not nearly as bad as I expected. All paleo yesterday, and strict paleo today, I’m about to go out so I may have a beer or two, try and stick to red wine though. Feeling solid and healthy overall, and I had a great workout today.


Hang Power Snatch: 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 115×3, 120×3, 125×3

5 rounds for time
Thruster 115×7
Med Ball Slam 12×14


Pretty pumped with the snatches. Now I know where to start next time around, was a little light to start but found my way to a good working weight. Was using very little dip, just a few inches, and then exploding up with the bar, no press outs, and landing in a 1/4 squat stance. Met-con was brutal. Thrusters were awful, I did do them all unbroken though. I haven’t done thrusters in a while, like a couple months, I need to program them more. I’m sure I’ll be hitting them again this weekend as “Fran” is usually done at the Lv. 1 Cert. Almost lost whatever was in my stomach after the workout. Good solid training, and a day off tomorrow is going to be nice. Cheers.

– Jade