Wow, posterior chain is destroyed today. Between the deadlifts on Monday and the power cleans and chest-to-bar pull-ups yesterday everything on the back side of my body hurts. Off day today from the weights but I did make it in for some yoga at the Bikram studio. Went well but I think I’m coming down with something as my head was a little foggy and I felt a little dizzy a couple times in class. Ate very clean all day except for a couple blocks of chocolate again. That stuff seems to be helping with my food sanity. One thing I noticed at work this evening was that my knees were hurting way less than they have been. Between the yoga and foam rolling I think I’ve found a remedy, which I think was just tightness in my legs. Going to continue with this prescription and hopefully the pain will be completely relieved in the next couple of weeks. Cheers.

– Jade.