Solid day today. Incredibly sore today in my glutes. Those bulgarian squats really did kill me. Such an awesome exercise, need to do them more, and I definitely think they will help with bringing up my overall squat numbers. Ate very well all day, although I went to a dinner party and had a bunch of red wine. Ate paleo all day except for a little maple syrup in the salad dressing. We made a couple spaghetti squashes which were awesome. So happy to have found these bad boys because they will really help curb my craving for pasta. Solid day of training today. Also picked up a new piece of equipment for the gym. For now it will reside in my garage. Pretty sweet rig, and I got it super cheap. Definitely a good complement to the rower. Snagged a Schwinn Airdyne bike. Definitely a good machine, and I think it i going to be a real killer.


Snatch Grip High Pull: 145×3, 155×3, 165×3

Push Jerk: 165×3, 175×3, 185×3

5 rounds for time:
100ft Walking Lunges
15 12lb Medicine Ball Slams


Awesome training today. Super pumped with all the strength work. High Pulls were a PR, and I was making sure I was getting the bar all the way up to my chin. Pumped with my push jerks as well. That’s a PR as well, and 3 reps for 5lbs above my bodyweight. Barely squeaked out the last rep on the 185 set. Met-con was solid. One thing to note I really made sure to do full ROM, powerful med ball slams. Although it was a time based met-con, I was taking a moment in between each slam to reposition so I could put maximum force into it. There weren’t any weak slams with little effort put forth. Solid training and super happy with my performance after my crappy day of training on Tuesday. Cheers.

– Jade