Wow, my traps are sore this morning. I guess they got pretty hammered from the DB deads yesterday. Shoulders feel a little tired but other than that I feel pretty solid. Feel healthy and good all around. I like the look of that warm weather coming our way. Finished the biz plan today. It needs a little grammatical editing, but I’m happy with it, it’s done and I’m ready to really get this thing rolling.


Power Clean: 185×3, 185×3, 185×3, 190×3, 190×3

Row 2K


Solid training today. Happy with my power cleans. Just over my body weight for a few reps. I’m going to say my 1RM is 205. At this point Power and Full clean are pretty evenly matched, but that needs to change, full clean needs to start separating itself from the power clean. The rowing was good today, trying to get an idea of where I sit on the rower, did the 500m yesterday, granted I was completely cold, did the 2K today, and doing a 5K Monday. Wasn’t really sure what to aim for, so I decided to try and keep a 1:50 500m pace which I did. My legs were definitely a limiting factor on my speed. They were really feeling it, had they been fresh and not sore I think I could have pulled a consistent 1:47-1:48. Still I felt it was a good solid pace, and I pushed hard the last 150m, almost loosing whatever I had in my stomach. Given my legs should be fresh I think I’m going to aim for  1:50 500m pace on Monday when I do the 5K row. Solid day of training, and looking forward to rest and football tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade