As I write this in the late evening all I can say is wow, I am so, so, so sore. My legs were sore this morning, and then the WOD this morning absolutely destroyed them, followed by 7 hours standing on my feet at work. I’m incapacitated a bit to say the least. I may have to skip training tomorrow and start a new set of training days on Thursday, we shall see. I’d really like to hit it tomorrow but there are times when the soreness can definitely be a deterrent to training and certainly recovery. Eating was solid today, a little caesar dressing, other than that I was paleo all the way. 10 days so far with very minimal cheats.


– Rower Intervals 1 minute on 1 minute rest x 10
– Goal is to hit 3000m total
– Every 5 meters under is a penalty of 1 burpee pull-up directly after the workout
– At end of workout divide difference of meters rowed and 3000, if under 3000 by 5 and hit burpee-pull-ups

2971m Rowed
8 Burpee-pull-up penalty

I couldn’t believe how destructive this workout was. 300m a minute is a 1:40 500m pace, but you must take into account that you have to get the rower up to speed so you really need to hold about a 1:36/7 pace. With my legs as sore as they were the rower really showed just how much it works your legs. I had a few rounds at or above 300, a bunch just below like 298, and a couple way down around 285. The 8th and 9th interval were the two weak ones, I was just spent, 10th interval gave it everything I had and managed 299. My legs were the first to give out so I would begin pulling more with my arms but then those would start to go. Right now my forearms are already sore along with my traps, this is 12 hours after the workout. Rower sure is a kick ass machine. Awesome workout though, and definitely one I will be programming in as a benchmark workout once the gym is open. Pulled it from CrossFit Football on 12/28/09. Hopefully I’m able to move in the morning as I really want to hit the gym, but we shall see what the body says. Cheers.

– Jade