Still feeling a bit sore this morning. Chest and abs still have a little soreness in them, and my traps are still pretty sore. My traps have really gotten hammered from all the rowing lately, which is good of course as it seems to be a weak spot. Nutrition has been great, on Paleo now since Saturday evening, at least my Paleo which is Paleo plus ketchup, whey, and caesar salad dressing. Pretty clean I think for the most part. My energy levels felt a bit better this morning, and I’m also sleeping better, waking up earlier. I honestly can’t believe how 4 days of eating like this has changed my body around so much. I feel so much healthier, and visibly leaner (probably water), and just straight up feel better. Makes me not want to go back, I’d really like to see if I can do 30 days with no cheats. I’ve worked the last 4 days also and haven’t had anything at the restaurant so that has been good. My options are limited there so although it might not be the best thing I’ve been eating lots of meat, probably a bit low on my veggie intake on days that I’m at work.

I’ve also come into a new mindset regarding my training and nutrition, not that training has really been a problem. I will be opening a CrossFit affiliate in June, and I need to be a role model for the gym. I need to eat well, be strong, and be ripped up, which I’m about 8lbs away from. So I look at this now as a job, although I’m not getting paid for it yet, I will be in the near future, and the better of a job I do at these few things the better of a role model I will be for my clients. So I believe this mindset will really help keep me on track with my diet. As I said I enjoy training, it isn’t a problem, but I think I could work on pushing myself harder.


5 Rounds
1 Minute Each Station, 1 Minute Rest After All Stations Completed.
Handstand Push-ups
24″ Box Jump

Solid workout. Unfortunately I spaced out on my counting early on so I wasn’t able to keep track of my reps. In addition my hands ripped the 4th round of pull-ups so I skipped them the 5th round. I replaced the 5th round of pull-ups with 30 seconds of HSPU’s and 30 seconds of 24″ Box jumps. Pull-ups felt good and strong, and although my HSPU’s weren’t super deep I was getting a good number of them in. I’d like to give them a go in the next week to see if I can get a couple at full depth. Box jumps were solid, but my knees were hurting early on. I worked on landing more on my toes which helped a bit. Also worked on pushing off the box and extending my legs in the air so I was getting full hip extension instead of landing on the box, standing all the way up, and then hopping off. The workout wasn’t quite as high intensity as I would have liked mainly because I’m not quite strong enough to crank a lot of HSPU’s out yet, but it was still good and I was happy with my performance afterward. Also did some calf raises afterward on the leg press machine to help with my tendonitis. Solid day and looking forward to another one tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade