Wow my shoulders feel worked this morning. I think between the overhead squats and turkish get-ups my shoulders got fried. Feeling a bit run down this morning, but I definitely think it is because of staying up late with friends and such. Was kind of dreading training just because of feeling so beat but I got myself in the garage and had a solid workout.



Power Cleans: 135×5, 155×5, 160×5, 165×5, 170×5

Met-con: For Time

500m Row
15 45lb Overhead Squats
30 95lb Hang Power Cleans
15 45lb Overhead Squats
500m Row


Workout was awesome. Took a little bit to get going in the cold ass garage, but once I did I felt good. Power cleans felt really good, should have done a couple sets heavier, and I think I’ve got another 5-10lbs in my 5 rep max doing these. Met-con was brutal. I pulled real hard through the two sets of rowing, average 500m was 1:45, and I made it through all the squats and cleans unbroken. This workout was just go, go, go, non-stop, pushed me real hard. Took me a solid 5-10 minutes to cool down and catch my breath. Happy with the workout and looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. Have a good New Year everyone. Hard training and good eating is just around the corner. Cheers.

– Jade