At this point given the holidays and such I’ve decided I’m not going to keep track of my nutrition. I’m going to work on eating healthy, but I’m often going out with people, attending dinner parties, etc and it’s just to hard to keep track of everything. On another note I think I had more success with the Paleo diet when I wasn’t measuring all my food so I may just go back to an un-measured paleo diet.

Hamstrings were still increidbly sore this morning. Chest was also pretty sore from the dips yesterday. Knees feel all good so I was pumped to get another solid day of training in today.


High Pulls: 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×3, 185×3

Snatch Grip Deadlift: 225×3, 235×3, 245×3

3 rounds for time:
20/40/60 Foot Suicides x 4
6 Foot Broad Jumps x 10
20 Medicine Ball Slams


High Pulls felt good. First couple of sets were definitely a little light, but the last couple of sets felt good. Pretty happy with the last set as I feel I was moving around a good amount of weight. Snatch grip deadlifts were easier than I thought. The actual deadlift was easy, the only problem I had was holding onto the bar. Given the wide grip and the double overhand grip I was struggling a bit. My grip strength definitely is a little weak and I may need to start working on it if it olds me back from performing given lifts. The met-con was tougher than I expected. The suicides were really tough, and I could definitely feel my lower back hurting a bit from the last few days of hard training. On the suicides I was focusing more on a quick turn around then a quick sprint, I wanted to work on agility in this workout a bit so that was my reasoning for the suicides. Broad jumps and med ball slams felt good. Overall great day of training, and looking forward to a nice day off tomorrow as my body is hurting. Cheers.

– Jade