Ha, more junk eating yesterday. I’m hitting it hard starting today. None of this crap I want to be a machine and get ripped up. I don’t want my performance or health to suffer because of overly self-indulgent practices.

12/10/09 Intake
Calories 3073
Fat 138 grams 40%
Carbs 334 grams 43%
Protein 129.5 17%
Fiber 16g
Cholesterol 931mg

Prett sore today. My shoulders are really worked, traps are sore, lower back is worked, and quads are pretty cooked. So dreading the destructiveness that is going to come with today’s workout. Stress wise on a positive note, and non-training related, I got a 100% on my Financial Management Exam.

AMRAP 20 minutes
25 Burpees
15x185lb Barbell Back Squat

4 Full Rounds + 15 Burpees

This workout was brutal, especially considering the overall pain my body is in from the last two days of training. Squats felt a little weak, none of the set of squats were unbroken. Worked on my foot position a bit and stance width which helped out a little bit. One thing to note is that my knees are hurting pretty badly from what I believe is a result of doing pistol squats the other night. Hopefully they just weren’t used to them and they begin to feel fine in the next couple of days. Other then that solid workout and I was worked afterward. Went through the workout at a pretty solid pace without any large breaks, worked on pacing myself more instead of burning myself out. Cheers.

– Jade