What do you know. Poor, poor eating again yesterday. It’s not acceptable but I will say that I’m under a lot of stress right now which I think has something to do with the eating. I’m stressed because of school and have come under some recent hardships, unfortunately in the long run, i.e. the day, I think the eating is just making things worse.

12/9/09 Intake
Calories 2646
Fat 152 grams
Carbs 188.5 carbs
Protein 129.5 grams
Fiber 15 grams
Cholesterol 1570mg

Woke up this morning feel really good. I thought I would be considerably more sore given the heavy and hard workout last night. Went to bed relatively early last night as well, so it was good to get a solid nights rest. It’s really starting to get cold out now, and we actually have snow, so although my tendonitis is finally gone, there won’t be much running done, unless I can get in the gym when it’s dead and secure a treadmill for a while.

For time
21 Handstand Push-ups
500 meter row
21 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
500 meter row
15 Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
500 meter row
9 Pull-ups


So I was awfully wrong about my body not being worked. Started the workout and the HSPU’s went pretty well, again not going near full depth, just doing what I can at this point. I then hopped on the rower and I couldn’t believe how destroyed my body was. Legs and lower back were just torched, and I had no push/pull power on the rower. Then I got to the pull-ups and they might have been even worse. All around my body was destroyed but I tried to push for a good time. I was spent after this workout, and between my lackluster nutrition as of late and soreness from yesterday my time was a little slow. Already dreading the WOD for tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade