Another great day of eating yesterday. Non-paleo food was 2 TBSP of kechup, 2 TBSP of butter, and 2 TBSP of caesar dressing. Got a good amount of veggies in and my in take levels were pretty much perfect.

12/7/09 Intake
Calories 2335
Fat 117.5 grams 45%
Carbs 106.5 19%
Protein 210 grams 36%
Fiber 24.5 grams
Cholesterol 1148mg

Nice to have a rest day today after a few hard days of training. My quads were still a bit sore this morning, while my traps and lower back still have a considerable amount of soreness in them. Slowly working on refining my programming which I think I will probably put into use sometime next week. The schedule is based around a number of areas that I feel need to be addressed in strength and conditioning training. Much of this is addressed in the met-con and strength work that CrossFit provides, but I feel that there are a few areas that don’t get enough attention, or they do get attention but not often enough. For example I still find Fran to be the hardest workout for me. Not because the movements or weights are particulary hard, but because of the extremely high intensity and short duration of the workout. The last two times I have done this workout it has left me in what I feel the most physically diminished state. I don’t feel this should be the case, but since this specific type of met-con is done so little I don’t think my body is getting properly trained for these supe high intensity workouts. I think in the 1.5 months between the two times I did Fran, Fran was the only short super high intensity workout I did. The longer met-cons are great don’t get me wrong, but I don’t believe the longer met-cons train you very well for the super intensity stuff, while the super high intensity stuff does train you quite well for the longer stuff. So that schedule will be based around 9 days of training, hitting a number of areas twice, but hitting what I feel are the key parts of a complete strength and conditioning program. When I have the specifics of what I’m going to layout I will post it up here. Looking forward to a solid strength day tomorrow consisting of deads, squats, and core work. Cheers.

– Jade