Good day of nutrition yesterday, ate all paleo. Made some apricot Paleo cookies which turned out pretty bad. Not a huge fan, but they are definitely energy dense and I’m able to stomach them so they won’t go to waste. Going to search around for some more paleo desserts to see if I can find something a little better.

11/23/09 Intake
Calories 2043
Fat 112.5 grams
Carbs 107 grams
Protein 150 grams
Fiber 36.5 grams
Cholesterol 908mg

I was feeling a bit tired this morning, maybe a little run down from a couple hard weeks of training. Shins are still bothering me which is extremely annoying, I just want them better so I can jump, run, etc. Strayed from the WOD today as I’m going to be gone for a few days and wanted to get some strength work in as I’ll be down to just bodyweight met-con stuff the next few days. I may take 2 rest days this next rest period, we’ll see how I’m feeling.

Front Squat 135×5 155×5 165×5 185×5 190×5
Deadlift 135×5 225×5 275×5 315×5 315×5
Handstand Push-up 5 5 5 5 5

Training was good today. I didn’t do any sort of specific warm-up, just stretched, and did some light sets of front squat to get ready. Was good to do mutiple heavy strength sets. Front squats felt good, I barely made the last rep on the last set, but I guess I can’t complain as my 3 rep PR a couple months ago was 185. Deadlifts were good but I felt a little weak. I feel like 315 should have been a little easier, but on the other hand I definitely think I could have done at least one of the two sets heavier, somewhere around 325 or so. Lastly HSPU’s were great. I’m defintely getting stronger in that department and I was able to go deeper on them compared to the last time I did them. Good solid day today, going to do a makeshift met-con tomorrow as I will be down in Pennsylvania visisting family. Cheers, and thanks to global warming for allowing me to workout outside yet again at this time of the year.

– Jade