Ate all Paleo yesterday. Definitely think I should have eaten more, but never at any point in the day did I feel hungry.

11/18/09 Intake
Calories 1743
Fat 70.5 grams
Carbs 95.5 grams
Protein 183 grams
Fiber 23.75 grams
Cholesterol 1177mg

Still pretty sore today. My traps and chest have a good bit of soreness in them, other then that I feel fine. I will say I was feeling a bit tired the last 24 hours, and slept a bit extra today. I slept about 9 hours. I had an 8 AM class which I should have gotten up for, but when my alarm went off I was just feeling to tired, had I gotten up that would have given me 6.5 hours of sleep. The extra couple hours I definitely think were needed.

Warm Up:
1000m Row

50 24″ Box Jump
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 35lb Kettlebell Swings
50 Steps Walking Lunges
50 Knee to Arm Pits
50 45lb Barbell Push Press
50 Supermans
50 12lb Wall Ball Shots
50 Burpees
50 Double-unders


So I skipped my normal circuit warm-up as I was doing a hopper and would be hitting everything. I think this was a mistake and I don’t think I was properly warmed up. I think rowing can be a great part of warming up, but not a sole warm up in itself.

The WOD was brutal. I made it through the majority of things at what I felt was a reasonable pace, but the burpees and double-unders really killed me. My shins were hurting a bit but I was able to push through and it didn’t slow me down. I want to say the burpees and double-unders took me something like 7 minutes. Double-unders are definitely getting there though, and I can’t imagine trying to do them without the little bit of practice I have been doing. So definitely a solid workout and I’m feeling pretty worked. No strength work today.

Hopefully going to get out on the mountain bike for the first time in a month and a half tomorrow, and ride in place of running 5k.

– Jade