Diet was good yesterday. I did take in some non-paleo food. I had a very hard workout yesterday so I took in a scoop of ON whey, and a half serving of ON aftermax which is a whey and carb powder. Other then that everything was Paleo food.

11/17/09 Intake
Calories 2580

Fat 112 grams
Carbs 118 grams
Protein 262.5 grams
Fiber 21 grams
Cholesterol 1723 mg

So definitely a much needed rest day today. As I write this, this evening my back is a little a sore, my chest is a bit sore, but my traps hurting pretty bad. I believe this came from doing the snatches from a hang which put a lot more stress on traps. Feeling good overall though today, and looking forward to the hopper WOD tomorrow.

Happy to represent the great state that I live in with my good health.

– Jade