2021/2022 Season

Training Block – 1

Week – 3 of 6


1) Incline Dumbbell Piston Bench Press: 20 Alternating Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Set the incline around 45 degrees. Pick a tough, but maintainable load and stay fixed for all 5 sets.

2) Bamboo Bar Bench Press: 10 Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Start light and build to a tough set for the day.

3) Standing Dumbbell Arnold Press: 12 Reps Every 2:00 x 4 sets

Pick a moderate weight and stay fixed for all 4 sets.

4) Ring Dip Support: Accumulate 3 minutes

Keep track of time and attempts to complete.

5) Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Curl: 30 Reps Every 3:00 x 3 sets

Start light, finish with a loading that is demanding to complete.

6) L-Sit: Accumulate 3 minutes

Perform on Paralettes. Keep track of time and attempts to complete.

7) Ski Erg:

A – 10 minutes Easy

B – 5 sets of – 3 minutes Moderate/1 minute Hard

C – 10 sets of – 30 seconds Moderate/30 seconds Easy

D – 10 minutes Easy

Perform all pieces back-to-back for a total of 50 minutes of work.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE