2021/2022 Season

Training Block – 1

Week – 6 of 6


1) Double Kettlebell Pause Front Squats: 10 Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Start at a moderate load and build to a demanding set by the last set. Pause in the bottom for 2 seconds on each rep. Make sure you are holding the Kettlebells in a classic Front Rack position, handles/knuckles touching at the center of chest with bell sitting in the pit of the elbow.

2) Weighted Pistol Squat: 5/side Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Load as deemed fit. Alternate legs each rep. If you don’t have the mobility for the Pistol omit the movement completely and spend 10 minutes working on ankle/hip/low back mobility.

3) Landmine Slider Reverse Lunges: 10/side Every 2:00 x 4 sets

Perform all reps on 1 side before switching to the other. Load with a moderate weight and stay fixed for all 4 sets.

4) Jumping Medball Squats: 30 Reps Every 3:00 x 3 sets

Use a load that allows you to cycle all 30 reps without stopping. Focus on keeping the torso upright in a nice position.

5) Reverse Sled Drag: 50m Every 2:00 x 8 sets

Use a load that is tough but that you can move continuously with for all 50m.

6) Banded Kneeling Crunch Down: 30 Reps Every 3:00 x 3 sets

Play around with this before your first set to find a good resistance.

7) Hollow Hold: Accumulate 3 minutes

Keep track of time and attempts to complete.

8) C2 Bike Erg – Every 5:00 x 12 sets:

4:30 @ Easy-to-Moderate Pace

:30 @ 2x Bodyweight in Wattage

Focus on a steady state pace for all of the Easy-to-Moderate, this should be Zone 2-3.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE