Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 4 of 12

Micro – Trunk Emphasis – Week 4 of 4


1) 0:00 – 10:00 – Class Review and Stretch:

  • Review Class Structure and Movements (5 minutes)

  • Setup Equipment 5 minutes

Our Thursday programming is designed so that those that come 2-3 days/week can come in and get a great sweat and work hard, and those that come 4-6 days/week can treat this as an Active Recovery day, takes thing light and working at lower intensities. Give your body what it needs and wants.

2a) 10:00 – 20:00 – Warm-up

  • 5 minute Foam Roll/Lax Ball

  • 400m Jog

  • Remaining time AMRAP…3 Inchworm + Push-ups + 5/side Dynamic Samson Stretch

Grab a foam roller or mobility tool from the lobby and spend 5 minutes addressing any sore or areas that you know are tight and you struggle with.

2b) 21:00 – 30:00 – 9 minute Up Ladder:

3 Calories Rowed

3 Kettlebell Swings

Workout structure is 3+3, 6+6, 9+9, and so on until 9 minutes is up.. For this piece today, it doesn’t matter which couplet of movements you start on, just maintain the order of the rotation…you shouldn’t be doing the Bikes back-to-back and you shouldn’t be doing the Rower/Ski back to back either.

2c) 31:00 – 40:00 – 9 minute Up Ladder:

3 Calories Bike Erg

3 Dumbbell Farmers Box Step-ups

You choose the loading and box height. Workout structure is 3+3, 6+6, 9+9, and on until 9 minutes is up.

2d) 41:00 – 50:00 – 9 minute Up Ladder:

3 Calories Ski Erg

3 Push-ups

Workout structure is 3+3, 6+6, 9+9, and on until 9 minutes is up.

2e) 51:00 – 60:00 – 9 minute Up Ladder:

3 Calories Assault Bike

3 Burpees

Workout structure is 3+3, 6+6, 9+9, and on until 9 minutes is up.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE