1) Squat Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Use this as an opportunity to establish a 1RM Squat Snatch. Regardless of whether or not you can Power or Squat Snatch more, we want you working on Squat Snatches today. Warm-up appropriately to heavy singles. For today we are looking for 1 of your reps to be your current 1RM, and then for you to hit 6 other reps at 80% or more of that weight. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets.

2) “Amanda”- 9-7-5 – AQAP:


Squat Snatch 135/95

If you can’t do a Muscle-up you will sub out 2 Pull-ups and 2 Push-ups per Muscle-up. These may be partitioned however you like. If you are scaling the weight on the Squat Snatch, go HEAVY. For those scaling the Squat Snatch weight we’d like to see you working with a weight that forces you to do singles, not slow singles, but singles. These must be Squat Snatches, no power Snatching, if you have mobility issues get as far as you can into a Squat Snatch.


Amanda competed in the 2009 Games, by the 2010 Games she had passed away from cancer…this workout was released at the 2010 Games dedicated to her.

Extra Work:

3) Back Extensions: 3 x 25

Rest 90 seconds between sets.

4) Pistol Squat Practice: 10 minutes

Spend 10 minutes working on some fact of Pistol Squats. If you’ve got them dialed in, work on doing them Overhead with a PVC or Barbell

For Results post weight of each of Squat Snatches and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post thoughts/comments for what you did.

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