1) Snatch: 2×1 @ 80%, 2×1 @ 85%, 2×1 @ 90%

Warm-up as needed. Upon starting rest no more than 60-90 seconds between sets.

2) Clean and Jerk: 2×1 @ 80%, 2×1 @ 85%, 2×1 @ 90%

Warm-up as needed. Upon starting rest no more than 60-90 seconds between sets.

3) 10 minute AMRAP:

3 Power Cleans 95/65

3 Burpee Over Bar

6 Power Cleans 95/65

6 Burpee Over Bar

9 Power Cleans 95/65

9 Burpee Over Bar

…and so on until 10 minutes is up

Burpee Over Bar can be Bar Facing or Lateral or anything in between, you just must ensure that both feet leave the ground at the same time.

4) Rebound Box Jumps: 3 x 15

Go as high as possible. The goal is to do these “unbroken,” no stopping on the floor and no prolonged pause on top. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

5) L-Sit: Accumulate 2 minutes

Keep track of total time and number of attempts to complete this. You may choose to do this hanging from a bar or rings, or supporting on paralettes, dumbbells, rings, the floor, etc.

6) Banded Good Mornings: 3 x 15

Rest 90 seconds between sets.

For results post weights for Olympic Work and total reps completed for Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post thoughts, times, comments, etc.

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