*Games Week Class Schedule Here


1) Snatch: 2×2 @ 60%, 2×2 @ 70%, 2×2 @ 80%, 6×1 @ 85% or Higher

Warm-up as needed. Once in your working sets try and keep your rest periods to 90 seconds between sets. The doubles are not touch and go, think of them as a cluster, hit 1 rep, drop reset, and then hit the 2nd rep. You should have approximately 5-10 seconds between reps, it shouldn’t be drawn out to 20-30 seconds between reps.

2) 3 rounds AQAP:

20 Power Cleans 155/105

400m Run

Extra Work:

3) Handstand Walk: 5-10 minutes Practice

Work on any facet of Handstand Walk or Hold

4) Bar Muscle-up: 10 minutes EMOTM

Pick a rep count you can maintain for the 10 minutes.

5) Arnold Press: 4 x 8 reps

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Heavy as possible.

6) GHD Sit-ups: 3 x 15-30 reps

Perform a rep count you can work through without having to stop. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

For results post weight of each set of Snatches and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post reps, weights, times, etc.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Article on the Games Site about Dani HERE