This coming week we will be starting a Squat Program in class. Squatting is arguably the single most important movement in strength training and as well as the single most beneficial movement to overall strength production. Many athletes had tremendous success when we did a Squat Program last year and I’m sure we’ll see the same thing again this year. One of the most important things when starting any sort of program is to make sure that your baseline numbers are legitimate. When plugging in your 1RM numbers to the program make sure they are true 1RM numbers. If you put in a 1RM number that is not an at depth squat it will more than likely lead to failed sets at some point in the Squat Program. Any programs success hinges on completing it, if every session you fail 1 or 2 sets you will not find success through the 12 weeks of Squatting. SO, make sure whatever numbers you put in as your baseline, they are legitimate numbers.

To download the Hatch Squat Program click HERE

The Hatch Program will run in class on Monday and Friday for the next 12 weeks (Tuesday this week).

To download the Smolov Squat Program click HERE

The Smolov Program will be programmed for the Competitors programming. The Smolov Program runs anywhere from 3-5 days a week. If you are following this program two of your Squat days will be done during class when the Hatch Cycle is programmed. The other days will have to be done outside of class time. If you’re going to do this program do it, don’t do half of it, if you think you can’t commit to doing it, then do the Hatch Program, it is a great program as well. This is a ton of Back Squatting, and heavy as well. If you’re going to do this make sure you are taking care of your body, getting your mobility in, and taking your fish oil. Given the high volume of squatting with Smolov you may find that some of your other lifts, especially when there are multiple strength sessions in a day, suffer, just forewarning you, your legs might be juiced.