* Tickets are on sale for the Holiday/Winter Party HERE

** Holiday Schedule HERE

*** Paleo Challenge 2014 HERE


1) Snatch: 15 minutes to build to a heavy single

Spend 15 minutes and only 15 minutes. Build as heavy or light as you’d like. Rest as needed, take sets and reps as deemed fit.

2) Clean and Jerk: 15 minutes to build to a heavy single

Spend 15 minutes and only 15 minutes. Build as heavy or light as you’d like. Rest as needed, take sets and reps as deemed fit.

3) Banded Pendlay Rows: 5 x 8

Rest 90 seconds between sets. Use Purple bands. Heavy as possible.

4) AQAP:

1000m Row

50 Box Jumps 24/20

30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 70/50

50 Handstand Push-ups

30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 70/50

50 Box Jumps 24/20

1000m Row

Sub for HSPU is Stink Bugs or Push-ups

5) Sled Drag: 4 x 100m

Heavy. Rest 60 seconds between sets.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments
