CrossFit Kids Tuesday night class will be cancelled until further notice.

Pre Class:

1) Snatch + Overhead Squat: Every 1:00 x 10 sets

Warm-up as needed. Start around 70% of your 1RM Snatch. Build as heavy as deemed fit.

2) Clean Pull + Hang Clean: Every 1:00 x 10 sets

Warm-up as needed. Start around 70% of your 1RM Clean. Build as heavy as deemed fit.


3) 1 + 1/4 Back Squat: 3 Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Descend to the bottom of the Squat come up just past parallel then back down into the bottom and finish to the top, that’s one rep.

4) Good Morning: 10 reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Perform this as a continuation of your Back Squats starting at 10:00 on the clock. Start with around 30-40% of your 1RM Back Squat for loading and build as deemed fit. Focus should be on positioning over loading. Goal to increase loading slightly over last week.

5) 3 rounds AQAP:

30 Toes-to-bar

30 Wall Balls 30/30

Extra Work:

6) Strict Handstand Push-ups: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Unbroken

Rest as needed between sets. If you break on a set you must re-start that set.

7) Weighted Ring Dip: 5 sets of 3

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

8) Supinated Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-ups: 5 sets of 5

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE