Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Friday, April 25th, 2014

*New strength program starts Monday. Check it out HERE. **There will be no Olympic Lifting class today at 3:30 PM Pre Class: 1) Deadlift: Establish a 1RM Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed between sets. Take as many attempts as needed.   Class: 2) Back Squat: 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 2×5 @ 75% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. 3) Front Squat: 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 5 @ 75% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.   4) 3 rounds AQAP: 20 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 30 Wall Balls 20/14 400m Run Post Class: 5) Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 6) Sled Drag: 400m Light. Focus on walking through your heels. 7) Row: 2K Time Trial Time to go for it, set a PR. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed….

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Friday, April 25th, 2014

*New strength program starts Monday. Check it out HERE. **There will be no Olympic Lifting class today at 3:30 PM Class: 1) Front Squat: 3 reps Every 90 seconds x 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM, build as heavy as you like. 2) 3 rounds AQAP: 20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 30 Wall Balls 20/14 400m Run Extra Work: 3) Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 4) Double-under Practice: 10 minutes If you’ve got these dialed, than work some sort of interval with Double-unders. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Friday, April 25th, 2014

*New strength program starts Monday. Check it out HERE. **There will be no Olympic Lifting class today at 3:30 PM Class: 1) Front Squat: 3 reps Every 90 seconds x 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM, build as heavy as you like. 2) 3 rounds AQAP: 20 Kettlebell Swings 35/26 30 Wall Balls 14/8 400m Run Extra Work: 3) Superman Position: Accumulate 2 minutes Keep track of total time and attempts to complete. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Wendler Strength Program

As summer comes along we are going to be diving into a new Strength Program. Throughout the year we go through different cycles focusing on strengthening specific lifts or specific areas of the body. The last month we have been testing a number of movements to see where we are on many of the lifts. Starting next Monday we will be diving into the Wendler 5-3-1 strength program. This program was used a few years ago with a lot of success, and because of that it is something we are going to bring back. This is an especially effective program for the novice lifter. We will be putting a Powerlifting emphasis on the program hitting the Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Overhead work will be kept to Met-con’s mainly, and by Benching we’ll be able to give your shoulders a break which…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Thursday, April 24th, 2014

*There will be no Olympic Lifting class this Friday @ 3:30 PM Active Recovery: The goal should be as much as possible of the following below. Thanks to CrossFit Invictus for posting this. A. Aerobic Restoration 25-40 minutes of one of the following performed at 60-70% effort – easy, restorative pace: * Swim (this is my first choice, and if you have an ocean, even better) * Row (focus on mechanics, smooth and efficient with a very low stroke per minute pace) * AirDyne (keep the pace conversational and relaxed) * Cycling (get outdoors and enjoy the scenery as you ride) * Hike (nothing crazy here, find a nice easy slope and go for a walk outdoors) NOTE ABOUT ACTIVE RECOVERY – The activity selected must be restorative for you. It can also be an opportunity to work on a skill (like swimming or…