Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

*OLYMPIC CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED THIS FRIDAY @ 3:30 Pre-Class: 1) 20 minutes EMOTM: Odd, Muscle-up, Even, Pistol Squats Keep reps at something you can maintain. If you don’t have  a Ring Muscle-up than work on something that will get you one, don’t sub a Bar Muscle-up. Pistol Squat should be no more than 5 reps/leg/round. If you’ve got a super fast/solid Pistol squat work a variation, i.e. weighted, overhead, etc. Class: 2) Snatch: 1 reps EMOTM for 20 sets Start at approximately 60% of your 1RM Snatch. This is a de-load week, the goal is to not necessarily work heavy, but instead get some really tight, fast, solid lifts in. If you’re feeling on the money though, go for something heavy. While a video for the Clean, like Burgener says in the beginning the mechanics for both the Clean and Snatch are pretty much the same, just a matter…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

*OLYMPIC CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED THIS FRIDAY @ 3:30 Class: 1) Snatch: 2 reps Every 75 seconds for 10 sets Start at approximately 60% of your 1RM Snatch. These should all be full Squat. If you don’t have the proper mobility to do a full Snatch but want to work on the Snatch and do have the mobility required to do a safe Power Snatch than perform a Power Snatch instead. Build as heavy as you like. You should be dropping the bar between reps and focusing on a  nice tight start and reset. 2) Clean: 2 reps Every 75 seconds for 10 sets Start at approximately 60% of your 1RM Clean. These should all be full Squat. Build as heavy as you like. You should be dropping the bar between reps and focusing on a  nice tight start and reset. 3) 8 minute AMRAP: 8 Pull-ups 8 Hang Squat Cleans 75/53 8…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

*OLYMPIC CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED THIS FRIDAY @ 3:30 Class: 1) Clean Pull: 3 reps Every 75 seconds for 10 sets Start at 80% of your 1RM Clean. The goal should be to build up and over 100% of your max Clean. 2) Clean: 2 reps Every 75 seconds for 10 sets Start at approximately 60% of your 1RM Clean. These should all be full Squat. If you don’t have the proper mobility to do a full Clean then work with a Power Clean for today. Build as heavy as you like. You should be dropping the bar between reps and focusing on a  nice tight start and reset. 3) 8 minute AMRAP: 8 Ring Rows 8 Hang Squat Cleans 45/35 8 Burpees The recommended scaling for today if you can’t do a Pull-up is the Ring Row, to mix up the stimulus and also give you a…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Monday, April 21st, 2014

*Olympic Class will be cancelled this Friday @ 3:30 Pre Class: 1) Snatch: 2×2 @ 70%, 4×1 @ 80% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. All reps should be full Squat. 2) Clean and Jerk: 2×2 @ 70%, 4×1 @ 80% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. All reps should be full Squat and Split Jerk.   Class: 3) Front Squat: Establish a 1RM Take as much time, as much rest, and as many attempts to establish a current 1RM. 4) Back Squat: 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 2×5 @ 75% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. 5) 3 rounds AQAP: 400m Run 20 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95 Post Class 6) Reverse Hyper: 4 sets of 15 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 7) Row: 5 x 500m Rest 10 seconds between intervals. Row @ your 2K pace. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts,…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Monday, April 21st, 2014

*Olympic Class will be cancelled this Friday @ 3:30 Class: 1) Back Squat: 3 reps Every 90 seconds for 10 sets Start at approximately 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as you like. 2) 3 rounds AQAP: 400m Run 20 Shoulder-to-Overhead 95/65 Extra Work: 3) Muscle-up: 10 minutes Practice Work on any facet of a Ring Muscle-up. If you have them do a 10 minute EMOTM. 4) Reverse Hyper: 4 sets of 15 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.   For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments