Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

* This Saturday (25th) the 10:30 AM Class Will  Be Cancelled ** 2014 Evening Class Schedule Change HERE *** New Products/Supplements..A Little Info HERE **** Tickets are on sale for the Holiday/Winter Party HERE WOD: 1) Push Press: 5-5-5 Warm-up as needed. Look to establish a 5RM Push Press. Your two, non maximal sets should be within 85% of your Max Effort sets. Rest 2 minutes between sets. 2) Behind the Neck Snatch Push Press: 3-3-3 Warm-up as needed. Look to establish a 3RM BTN Snatch Push Press. Your two, non maximal sets should be within 85% of your Max Effort set. Rest 2 minutes between sets. You guys get to add a little dip and drive, but I still expect to still be moving at least 275lbs 🙂 3) “Diane”- 21-15-9 – AQAP: Deadlifts 225/155 Handstand Push-ups Sub for HSPU is either Stink Bugs or Dumbbell Strict Press Extra Work:…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

* This Saturday (25th) the 10:30 AM Class Will  Be Cancelled ** 2014 Evening Class Schedule Change HERE *** New Products/Supplements..A Little Info HERE **** Tickets are on sale for the Holiday/Winter Party HERE WOD: 1) Push Press: 5-5-5 Warm-up as needed. Look to establish a 5RM Push Press. Your two, non maximal sets should be within 85% of your Max Effort sets. Rest 2 minutes between sets. 2) Behind the Neck Snatch Push Press: 3-3-3 Warm-up as needed. Look to establish a 3RM BTN Snatch Push Press. Your two, non maximal sets should be within 85% of your Max Effort set. Rest 2 minutes between sets. You guys get to add a little dip and drive, but I still expect to still be moving at least 275lbs 🙂 3) “Diane”- 21-15-9 – AQAP: Deadlifts 225/155 Handstand Push-ups Sub for HSPU is either Stink Bugs or Dumbbell Strict Press 4) Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 x…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

* This Saturday (25th) the 10:30 AM Class Will  Be Cancelled ** 2014 Evening Class Schedule Change HERE *** New Products/Supplements..A Little Info HERE **** Tickets are on sale for the Holiday/Winter Party HERE WOD: 1) 20 minute EMOTM: Odd, Chest-to-bar Pull-ups, Even, Pistol Squats No more than 10 reps total of either movement. If you’ve got normal Pistols down cold work on a variation, weighted, overhead, non-alternating, etc. 2) Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch: Every 75 seconds for 10 sets Starting weight should be 60-70% of your 1RM Power Snatch. Add weight each set as deemed fit. All reps should be Touch and Go, no dropping the bar. 3) Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks: Every 75 seconds for 10 sets. Starting weight should be 60-70% of either your 1RM Push Jerk or Power Clean, whichever is lower of the two. Add weight each…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

* This Saturday (25th) the 10:30 AM Class Will  Be Cancelled ** 2014 Evening Class Schedule Change HERE *** New Products/Supplements..A Little Info HERE **** Tickets are on sale for the Holiday/Winter Party HERE WOD: 1) Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch: Every 75 seconds for 10 sets Starting weight should be 60-70% of your 1RM Power Snatch. Add weight each set as deemed fit. All reps should be Touch and Go, no dropping the bar. 2) Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks: Every 75 seconds for 10 sets. Starting weight should be 60-70% of either your 1RM Push Jerk or Power Clean, whichever is lower of the two. Add weight each set as deemed fit. All reps should be Touch and Go, no dropping the bar. Ideally work to cycle the Push Jerks. 3) 8 minute AMRAP: 10 Burpees 15 Wall Balls 20/14…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Monday, January 20th, 2014

* 2014 Evening Class Schedule Change HERE ** New Products/Supplements..A Little Info HERE *** Tickets are on sale for the Holiday/Winter Party HERE WOD: 1) 20 minutes EMOTM: Odd, 8 Jump Over the Box 24/20, Even, 8 Cycled Push Jerk Goal for jump over the box is speed, work on any variation. For Push Jerk work only as heavy as you can cycle the reps. 2) Back Squat: 3-3-3 Warm-up as needed. Rest 2 minutes between sets. Each set as heavy as possible. 85-90% is a good ball park weight range. 3) Front Squat: 2-2-2 Warm-up as needed. Rest 2 minutes between sets. Each set as heavy as possible. 85-80% is a good ball park weight range. 4) 10 minute Up Ladder: 1 Squat Snatch 155/105 1 Muscle-ups 2 + 2, 3 + 3, and so on until 10 minutes is up Sub for a Muscle-ups is 2x in either Ring Dips or…