Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) Push Press: 5-5-5-5-5 Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. 2) AQAP: 500m Row 20 Front Squats 135/95 20 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95 20 Front Squats 135/95 500m Row Extra Work: 3) Hip Extension: 3 x 20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. 4) Airdyne: 10 x :30 ON/:90 OFF Max Effort each round, don’t game this. Record calories for each round. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Monday, November 25th, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) Smolov Program – Week 13/Day 1 – Back Squat: 4 @ 75%, 4×4 @ 85% Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed. 2) 20 minutes EMOTM: Odd, Muscle-ups, Even 1 Dumbbell Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats For the Dumbbell Snatch + Overhead Squats, alternate sides each round. 3) Row: 10 x 500m Rest 2 minutes between sets. Goal is fastest consistent pace. 4) Reverse Hyper: 4 x 15 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 5) Toes-to-bar: 3 x Max Reps Rest 2 minutes between sets. Stop when you loose your kip. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, November 25th, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) “CrossFit Total” Establish a 1RM Back Squat Establish a 1 RM Strict Press Establish a 1RM Deadlift Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed. Take as many attempts as needed. Extra Work: 2) Reverse Hyper: 4 x 15 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) Smolov Program – Week 12/Day 3 – Back Squat: 3 @ 75%, 4 @ 90%, 3×4 @ 90% Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed. This is the final push. 2) 20 minute AMRAP: 200m Run 4 Muscle-ups 20 Wall Balls 20/14 Sub for Muscle-ups is 10 Push-ups 3) Snatch Grip Pendlay Row: 5 x 5 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 4) Sled Drag: 400m Weight should be medium to light. Goal is consistent movement, heels down, think power walk. 5) Reverse Hyper: 3 x 20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 6) GHD Sit-ups: 3 x 20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) 20 minute AMRAP: 200m Run 4 Muscle-ups 20 Wall Balls 20/14 Sub for Muscle-ups is 10 Hand Release Push-ups Extra Work: 2) Pistol Squats: 10 minutes EMOTM Work on any variation. No more than 5 reps/side. 3) GHD Sit-ups: 3 x 20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments