Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) 20 minutes EMOTM: Odd, Muscle-ups, Even, Movement of Choice Muscle-ups should be Ring Muscle-ups. Pick a rep count you can maintain for all 10 sets. Movement of Choice can be anything, just something you struggle with. 2) Snatch Complex: 1 Complex Every 90 Seconds for 10 sets 1 Snatch Complex consists of 1 Power Snatch, 1 Snatch, and 1 Overhead Squat. Starting weight should be 60-70% of your Max Power Snatch weight. Add load as deemed fit. 3) Clean and Jerk Complex: 1 Complex Every 90 Seconds for 10 sets 1 Clean and Jerk Complex consists of 1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, and 1 Jerk. Starting weight should be 60-70% of your Max Clean and Jerk. Add load as deemed fit. 4) 8 minute…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) Snatch Complex: 1 Complex Every 90 Seconds for 10 sets 1 Snatch Complex consists of 1 Power Snatch, 1 Snatch, and 1 Overhead Squat. Starting weight should be 60-70% of your Max Power Snatch weight. Add load as deemed fit. 2) Clean and Jerk Complex: 1 Complex Every 90 Seconds for 10 sets 1 Clean and Jerk Complex consists of 1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, and 1 Jerk. Starting weight should be 60-70% of your Max Clean and Jerk. Add load as deemed fit. 3) 8 minute AMRAP: 4 Power Snatch 115/75 8 Pull-ups Extra Work: 4) Run: 3 x 800m Rest 3 minutes between intervals. Goal is fastest consistent pace. 5) Good Mornings: 3 x 12 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Monday, November 18th, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday there will be no evening classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) Smolov Program – Week 12/Day 1 – Back Squat: 3 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 5×5 @ 90% Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed. 2) 3 rounds for Max Reps: 1 minute Row For Calories 30 seconds Rest 1 minute Power Cleans 205/135 30 seconds Rest 1 minute Handstand Push-ups 30 seconds Rest Sub For Handstand Push-ups is Hand Release Push-ups 3) Box Jumps: 3 x 25 @ 24/20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Focus is on speed and rebounding. 4) Sled Drag: 8 x 50m Rest 30 seconds. Strap is between legs. 5) X-Drill: 5-10 attempts each direction Rest as needed between attempts. 6) Reverse Hyper: 4 x 15 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 7) Kneeling Banded Pull-downs: 3 x 15 Rest…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, November 18th, 2013

* Schedule for the Thanksgiving Week…Wednesday night there will be no classes. Thanksgiving Day there will be one class at 9 AM. WOD: 1) Hatch Program – Week 12/Day 1 – Back Squat: 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 2×5 @ 75% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90 seconds between working sets. 2) Hatch Program – Week 12/Day 1 – Front Squat: 5 @65%, 5 @ 70%, 5 @ 75% Rest 90 seconds between sets, including the transition between Back Squat and Front Squat. 3) 3 rounds for Max Reps: 1 minute Row For Calories 30 seconds Rest 1 minute Power Cleans 205/135 30 seconds Rest 1 minute Handstand Push-ups 30 seconds Rest Sub For Handstand Push-ups is Hand Release Push-ups Extra Work: 4) Box Jumps: 3 x 25 @ 24/20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Focus should be on speed and rebounding. 5) Reverse Hyper: 4 x 15…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Saturday, November 16th, 2013

WOD: 1) Smolov Program – Week 11/Day 3 – Back Squat: 3 @ 65%, 3 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 4×3 @ 95% Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed. 2) Smolov Jr. – Week 3/Day 4 – Bench Press: 10 x 3 @ 5-10lbs Heavier Than Last Week Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed. 3) AQAP: 400m Run 30 Handstand Push-ups 30 Power Snatch 95/65 400m Run 20 Handstand Push-ups 20 Power Snatch 95/65 400m Run 10 Handstand Push-ups 10 Power Snatch 95/65 400m Run Sub for HSPU is either Stink Bugs or Strict Press 4) Sled Drag: 8 x 50m Rest 30 seconds between. Focus on heels down, using your glutes and hamstrings. Go as heavy as you can keep continuous movement. 5) Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Curl: 3 x 15 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 6) Reverse Hyper: 3 x 20 Rest 90 seconds between…