Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, September 9th, 2013

WOD: 1) Hatch Program – Week 2/Day 1 – Back Squat: 10 @ 60%, 8 @ 65%, 6 @ 70%, 6 @ 75%, 6 @ 80% Warm-up as needed. Upon starting your working sets rest no more than 90 seconds between sets. These should all be High Bar Back Squats. 2) Hatch Program – Week 2/Day 1 – Front Squat: 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 2×5 @ 75% Rest no more than 90 seconds between sets, including the transition from Back Squat to Front Squat 3) 3 rounds AQAP: 30 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115/75 30 Toes-to-bar Extra Work: 4) Farmers Carry: 400m Heavy as possible. Keep track of total time and number of drops. 5) Reverse Hyper: 4 x 12 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Saturday, September 7th, 2013

* Squat Program Here* **Construction Update Here** ***Don’t Forget Our 3 Year Anniversary Party This Saturday Starting at 4 PM…Potluck Sign-up for Party Here*** WOD: 1) 20 minute EMOTM: Odd Minute, Gymnastics Weakness, Even Minute, Olympic Skill You should pick your absolute worst gymnastics movement to work on, even if you did it YESTERDAY. Olympic Skill should be something light, around 5 reps, goal is to work positioning, speed, footwork, etc. 2) 20 minute AMRAP: 20 Deadlifts 185/123 20 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Pull-ups 3) Smolov – Week 1/Day 5 – Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 x 8/side Rest 2 minutes between sets. Weight should be medium, not maximal, push the range of motion. 4) Hip Extension: 3 x 20-30 reps Rest 90 seconds between sets. 5) Front Rack Hold: 5 x 30:30 Heavy as possible. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, September 7th, 2013

* Squat Program Here* **Construction Update Here** ***Don’t Forget Our 3 Year Anniversary Party This Saturday Starting at 4 PM…Potluck Sign-up for Party Here*** WOD: 1) 20 minute AMRAP: 20 Deadlifts 185/123 20 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Pull-ups Extra Work: 2) Triple-unders: 10 minutes Practice If you don’t have 50 Double-unders unbroken consistently then work on Double-unders. 3) Hip Extension: 3 x 20 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Weight if able. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Friday, September 6th, 2013

* Squat Program Here* **Construction Update Here** ***Don’t Forget Our 3 Year Anniversary Party This Saturday Starting at 4 PM…Potluck Sign-up for Party Here*** WOD: 1) Power Snatch + Snatch + Overhead Squat: 1-1-1-1-1 Warm-up appropriately. Hit 5 working sets of this complex, a working set should be within 80% of the day’s heaviest. 2) Power Clean + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1 Warm-up appropriately. Hit 5 working sets of this complex, working set should be within 80% of the day’s heaviest. 3) Smolov – Week 1/Day 4 – Barbell Lunges: 3 x 8/side These should be medium weight, non maximal, think working sets, i.e. 70-80% of the heaviest you could do. Rest 2 minutes between sets. 4) 3 rounds AQAP: 400m Run 7 Snatches 155/105 7 Muscle-ups 5) GHD Sit-ups: 3 x 15-30 reps Pick a rep count you can get through without having to stop a bunch. Rest…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, September 6th, 2013

* Squat Program Here* **Construction Update Here** ***Don’t Forget Our 3 Year Anniversary Party This Saturday Starting at 4 PM…Potluck Sign-up for Party Here*** WOD: 1) Hatch Cycle – Week 1/Day 2 – Back Squat: 10 @ 60%, 8 @ 65%, 8 @ 70%, 8 @ 75% Warm-up as needed. Upon starting your working sets rest no more than 90 seconds between sets. All sets should be High Bar Back Squats. 2) Hatch Cycle – Week 1/Day 2 – Front Squat: 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 65%, 2×5 @ 70% Rest no more than 90 seconds between sets, including the transition from Back Squat to Front Squat. 3) 3 rounds AQAP: 400m Run 7 Squat Snatch 155/105 7 Muscle-ups Substitution for Muscle-ups will be 2x in a Dip or Push-up Extra Work: 4) Pistol Squats: 10 minutes EMOTM These should be non alternating, i.e. if you do 3 reps/side, they should…