Author: Jade

Additional Classes

Starting this week we will be adding two classes to our schedule. Saturday: 10:30 AM class  This will be an additional class to help break up the enormous class we have been getting at 9:15 AM. As the competitive community grows within our gym, we are going to encourage all of the more competitive athletes to come in and do class at 10:30 AM so that they can train together…as an absolute beginner and everything in between we encourage anyone to come to this class if it fits their schedule, this class is not just for the “competitors.” Sunday: 9:00 AM Olympic Lifting Class We are going to be moving either Tuesday or Friday’s Olympic Lifting class to Sunday. There will continue to be a 9 person cap on this class so please make sure you sign-up via Mind Body in advance.


Today marks a new cycle for us in our programming. The last 10 weeks our strength work has had a heavy emphasis on Olympic lifting. While many have come to be a little sick of all of the Olympic Lifting I can say that each and every person that has been regularly coming has made significant progress on their lifts, through either technique or weight. You should all be proud for the dedication you’ve given to these two lifts. With that being said Olympic Lifting will not disappear from our programming. The Olympic Lifts are still some of the single best movements for full body strength, power, and coordination, and a staple of CrossFit. Two of our strength sessions each week will still be geared towards Olympic Lifting but they will have a much wider variety then what we’ve done recently. Below is…

Class “Cancelation”

Because of the weather, slow driving, and frequent tardiness of members we will be “canceling” classes this evening. Instead of class there will be an open gym time from 4:15-6:30 PM. This time is for you guys to come in and do the Posted WOD, not to do whatever you like, so please treat it as such. Warm-up will be on your own, coaches will be here to help you out as you need. Drive Safe!

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, February,8th, 2013

WOD: 1) Snatch: 15-20 minutes to establish a 1RM Work up as to a current 1RM. The goal is obviously a PR but if it’s not there establish a Max for the day. You may attack this in any manner you like. This can be any type of Snatch, however you can move the most load. 2) Clean and Jerk: 15-20 minutes to establish a 1RM Work up as to a current 1RM. The goal is obviously a PR but if it’s not there establish a Max for the day. You may attack this in any manner you like. This can be any type of Clean and Jerk, however you can move the most load. 3) 9 minute AMRAP: 3 Muscle-ups 6 Squat Snatch 135/95 9 Burpees Substitution for a Muscle-up is 6 Pull-ups and 6 Push-ups per round. Extra Work: 3) Row:…