Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, July 7th, 2012

WOD: “Rankel”- 20 minute AMRAP:6 Deadlifts 225/1557 Burpee Pull-ups10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53200m Run For results post number of rounds plus reps along with any scaling used.A bunch of you met up with us down at the waterfront, but many came in and hit a solid workout. Way to keep moving through the workout and keeping those lungs working. Hope too see lots of you Monday, please check the top of the website and your e-mails for an updated schedule. Cheers. Jordan getting the lone pic for the day, jumping up for a pull-up – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, July 6th, 2012

WOD: 1) Back Squat: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 If you haven’t hit real heavy Back Squats in a while use this as an opportunity to go for a PR. Make sure all 7 singles are heavy. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets. Example sets could be.Warm-up Sets: 45×10, 95×5, 135×3, 185×2, 225×1Work Sets: 255×1, 275×1, 295×1, 315xF, 295×1, 295×1, 295×12) AQAP:50 Wall Balls 20/1225 Toes-to-bar 40 Wall Balls 20/12 20 Toes-to-bar 30 Wall Balls 20/12 15 Toes-to-bar 20 Wall Balls 20/12 10 Toes-to-bar 10 Wall Balls 20/12 5 Toes-to-bar For results post heaviest Back Squat, along with time for Met-con along with any scaling used. Like yesterday, we saw PR’s again today. I think for a lot of you those Pause Back Squats have helped greatly with your bottom positioning and creating power out of the hole. Way to kill it. Met-con was a burner,…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, July 5th, 2012

WOD: 1) Clean: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 For this the clean can be any type. If you haven’t cleaned real heavy in a while use this as an opportunity to go for a PR. Make sure that all 7 sets are heavy, warm-up accordingly. Don’t rest more than 2 minutes between sets. Example weights could be.Warm-up Sets: 45×20, 95×10, 135×3, 155×2, 185×1Work Sets: 205×1, 225×1, 250×1 PR, 235×1, 225×1, 225×1, 205×12) 10 minute AMRAP:3 Wall Climbs10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95 Shoulder-to-Overhead can be Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or Split Jerk. For this workout you should be looking for a weight that you can at least go unbroken on the first set.For results post heaviest clean, and rounds plus reps of Met-con along with any scaling used.Nice work on the cleans today everybody. A bunch of PR’s were had, both squat and power style. Keep working that technique and…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

WOD: “Bull” – 2 rounds AQAP:200 Double-unders50 Overhead Squats 135/9550 Pull-ups1 mile Run For results post time to complete along with any scaling used.Post results/thoughts to comments Great to see such a big crowd in today. Some hot morning weather made for an extra warm workout, and you all showed just how tough you are by doing an amazing job on a long and super difficult workout. Way to put your head down and keep working. Have a great 4th everybody, and thank you all for making Champlain Valley CrossFit the place to train. Cheers. About half the class went outside Jordan gritting through the Overhead Squats So awesome to see so many folks in…but where are all your times – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

WOD: 1) Power Snatch: 20 minutesSpend 20 minutes working on Power Snatches. There are no prescribed number of sets, or rest times. You must be working on doubles though. With that said, we are not looking for touch and go reps, do the first Snatch, drop it, reset, do the second Snatch.2) AQAP:25 Kettlebell Swings 70/535 Burpees 20 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 10 Burpees 15 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 15 Burpees 10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 20 Burpees 5 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 25 Burpees For results post heaviest double for the Power Snatch, and time for met-con along with any scaling used. Post results/thoughts to comments Great job working the speed of the turnover on the Snatch today. I worked with quite a few of you who were getting the bar more than high enough, but just not getting that quick turnover. Remember Olympic lifting is all…