Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday May 26th, 2012

WOD: 20 minute AMRAP:1 Snatch 135/952/side Plate Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25100m Sprint 2 Snatch 135/95 4/side Plate Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25 100m Sprint 3 Snatch 135/95 6/side Plate Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25 100m Sprint and so on until 20 minutes up Snatch can be anyhow, squat, power, muscle, etc. Work to try and really sprint that 100 meters. This workout continues to grow until the 20 minutes is up. For results post total reps completed. Each lunges counts as a rep and each run counts as ONE rep. Post any scaling used. Post results/thoughts to comments So clearly behind on things everybody, sorry about that. I’m going to get a bunch of updates for you here. Hope you enjoyed this workout, looked like a killer and sounded like everybody had a fun time with it. No pictures since the camera was at Regionals,…

North East Regionals Day #1

Day 1 of Regionals is in the books. We are all back at the apartment we rented in Boston, eating, and cleaning and resting up for another big day tomorrow. I couldn’t be more proud of how everyone did, and couldn’t be more lucky to be able to work, train, and coach with these amazing people. As of right now we sit tied for 3rd place. 1st place sits with 7 points, at 2nd place there are 3 teams tied with 10 points, and in 3rd place there is CVCF and another team tied with 13 points. Workout #1, probably one of the hardest workouts for our team went great. Despite a few no reps, everyone kept their composure, all 4 members hammered through the deadlifts, Dani covered all 40 HSPU’s with Nate doing almost as many, and everyone pushed hard right to the end, which…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, May 25th, 2012

WOD: Hang Power Clean: 3-3-3-3-3 These, like the Snatches on Tuesday must be unbroken. Bar must come from the shoulder back to the hang, no dropping it each rep. All 5 sets should be heavy and find a 3RM for this movement. 3 rounds for Total Reps:60 seconds Row for Calories60 seconds Rest60 seconds Kettlebell Swings 70/5360 seconds Rest60 seconds Dumbbell Push Press 50/3560 seconds Rest For results post heaviest set of Power Cleans, and total reps for met-con along with any scaling used. Post results/thoughts to comments. Hope you guys had good classes tonight. Writing this from Boston, and I will be putting and update about the team here shortly. No photos as we brought the camera down here, but check out the video below, a great demo video. Hope to see lots of you here this weekend. Cheers.” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, May 24th, 2012

WOD: Back Squat:5 reps @ 30% of 1RM5 reps @ 45% of 1RM5 reps @ 60% of 1RM20 reps @ 70% of 1RM While this is very phsyical, it is probably more of a mental test than anything. Be mentally strong and know you are going to get through the squats. You should go until you hit 20 reps or until you fail. AQAP:100 Burpees For results post weight used for 20 Rep Back Squat, and time for 100 Burpees Post results/thoughts to comments Mental fortitude was the name of the game today. Great work tearing up the Burpees and pushing through the Back Squats. It was so awesome to see you all work through the mental fight that both these things were. Gotta show you guys that I do actually train haha, so an old video of me doing 100 Burpees below. Sorry…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

WOD: “Angie”- AQAP:100 Pull-ups100 Push-ups100 Abmat Sit-ups100 Air Squats For results post time to complete workout and any scaling used. Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome work on a tough WOD guys. We’ve still got a few of the ladies left to hit, but we won’t see any of them until next week. I hope everyone’s hands survived. The team will be leaving for Regionals tomorrow. Wish us luck. Cheers. Esuasi with a nice position in his push-up Sophie working through the pull-ups – Jade