Author: Jade

November/December Newsletter

Boy time seems to be slipping by quickly lately. Maybe it’s because it’s December and yesterday is was 50 degrees, I feel like it’s still fall, not winter. I wish that this was winter, we could keep running then J November was another awesome month, so many athletes have been walking in the door, pushing hard, and doing everything they can to put themselves in the best physical shape possible. You’ve all been working diligently and I’m so thankful to be able to work with all of you. A handful of things below from last month, for this month, and for the future. Billing Below is the same piece from the last newsletter, but I wanted to remind you all of this. Starting January 1st, 2012 I will be making some alterations to our membership and billing. Rest assured we aren’t changing prices…

Kettlebell Class

A last reminder there will be a Kettlebell class taught by Scott starting tomorrow, December 6th. This will replace the Olympic Lifting class for the time being. Class will be setup to go over a couple of new movements and then do a WOD with those movements included. If you’re looking to brush up on your kettlebells and learn something new please come. This counts the same as any other class.

1st Annual “Leave Your Inov8s at Home CVCF Holiday Extravaganza

A quick heads up, the start time has been changed to 8:00 PM. Also please remember if you’re not paid and signed up by Wednesday there won’t be food/space for you. And to be signed up you have to pay. If you’re making a check out, please make sure it is written to Sweetwaters, as the financial end has nothing to do with CVCF. We are about half full at this point so make sure you get your money in if you haven’t already. When: Saturday, December 10th, at 8:00 PM Where: Sweetwaters Upstairs Super VIP Lounge for the Wicked Tough and Strong What: You and a bunch of fellow athletes and their poor significant others who have to hear about CrossFit all the time enjoying some delicious paleo and non-paleo delights. We sampled the menu and the cocktails. It’s no joke. How: Sign-up in Jade’s office…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

WOD: AQAP:100 Calories Rowed100 Box Jumps 24/18100 Abmat Sit-ups100 Ball Slams 40/30100 Air Squats Post results/thoughts to comments Great job today everybody. That was awesome working out with the 9:15 class and it was great to see so many people in here on a Saturday. Two classes of 19 people each. Nothing too crazy going on here, just basic movements, and work, work, work. Hope you all have a great weekend. See you Monday. Cheers. Ladies cranking on the rower Steve getting up on the box – Jade