Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, September 8th, 2010

WOD: Squat Snatch: 5-5-5-5-5 15 minute AMRAP:10 Deadlifts 225/15510 Pull-ups250m Run Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today everybody. Sorry for the bit of repeat programming. The workout got lost so we had to slap something up on the board. It ended up that almost everyone who came in wasn’t here Monday so it wasn’t much of a repeat for most of you. Snatches are getting better across the board. Remember if you weren’t here today, I always emphasize that you need to work on form and technique before anything on this lift. So if that means going light for a while, do it, it’ll pay off big time. Hope to see lots you tomorrow. Cheers. Cindy on her deadlifts and Erik cranking out pull-ups Corey moving fast through his deadlifts Berk kipped out on his pull-up – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

WOD: Back Squat:5 @ 65% of 1RM5 @ 70% of 1RM3 @ 75% of 1RM3 @ 80% of 1RM1 @ 85% of 1RMMax reps @ of 1RM 21-15-9 AQAP:BurpeesSumo Deadlift High-pull 95/65Toes-to-bar Post results/thoughts to comments Great job today everybody. This week starts our new programming and every Wednesday you will be either hitting Back Squat, Press, or Deadlift. If you’ve got your 1RM use them to find your percentages, if you don’t use these first 3 Wednesday’s as an opportunity to find a 1RM. A couple of you got your first toes-to-bar today. Great job. See you tomorrow. Cheers. Vinny working the back squat Terri gritted through them and did all 45 toes-to-bar Jeff back in after a few weeks off and Jim hitting it hard Caitlin and Damon working through the burpees – Jade

Paleo Challenge

Paleo Challenge started yesterday. I’ve received money from 10 or so people but I feel like we have another 10 or 15 who are doing it. If you are doing it we need money from you. In addition you all are responsible for putting your benchmarks and weight up on the spreadsheet…link below, and the white board in the gym. Please feel free to ask questions if you have any. Eat that good stuff and train hard. Cheers. Eat the good stuff – Jade

CrossFit Kids

A reminder we are having a free CrossFit Kids class this Saturday at 10:30 AM. This is a free class that anybody can come to. We are trying to get a feel for how many kids we have interested so that we can start offering weekly classes in the near future. Hope to see a bunch of kids here. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

WOD: Paleo Challenge Benchmarks:1) 1 Rep Max Clean 2) Max Handstand Push-ups or Ring Push-ups 3) Max Double-unders in 2 minutes 4) Max Effort 500m Row Post results/thoughts to comments I’m still so pumped on the huge class yesterday and things kept right up today with a bunch of people in the gym. I’m pumped to see a bunch of you jump in on the Paleo Challenge. Whether you’re doing the challenge or not these are some great benchmarks to have. We will be redoing the benchmarks on Monday, October 30th, but Paleo Challenge will end on Wednesday, October 5th. There were a bunch of big numbers had today, and PR’s on all sorts of stuff that we haven’t tested in a while. Keep it up guys, hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Cheering each other through the row We had…